Harmony AR Therapy

Harmony AR Therapy 2[credit]

Influence: 3

Choose up to 5 cards with different names in your heap. Shuffle those cards into your stack.

Remove this event from the game.

Breathe in and visualise your happy place. Breathe out. It’s safe and calm and all your best days are there. Breathe in. Very good. The cortex scan has finished. Breathe out and open your eyes…
Illustrated by Patrick Burk & Krembler
Decklists with this card

Uprising (ur)

#83 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2020-03-09

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner play Harmony AR Therapy if there are no cards in their stack?

    Yes. Harmony AR Therapy removes itself from the game, so it always has the potential to change the game state. In this case, the Runner will shuffle the cards found by the search to form their new stack.

    Can the Runner play Harmony AR Therapy if there are no cards in their heap?

    Yes. Harmony AR Therapy removes itself from the game, so it always has the potential to change the game state. All Harmony AR Therapy will do in this case is shuffle the stack and remove itself from the game.


This is an great card, with a caveat. First, bringing back 5 different cards will allow runners to stay in the game. Also, there is no condition attached with this event, just pay 2 creds and get 5 cards back in the stack. Simple.

The caveat is this : it only bring cards back in the stack. No drawing of a card, no bringing card back in hand. Which mean it does not give any tempo AND cost you 2 creds (and a click to play).

In Anarch, the equivalent is Labor Right, which trash cards to bring back other cards. And comes with drawing a card. This is better used at the end of the game, when the stack is near or at zero.

In Criminal, there is Rip Deal, which bring cards back in hand, at the cost of a run on HQ. A run in which you will access no card in HQ but instead get cards back. A high price to pay, but getting cards straight into your grip can be a such a blessing.

But if you play lots of events, Harmony AR Therapy is the card for you. Even out of faction. It can even be compared to Trope (anarch), and while is cost one cred more, it does not take any MU and can be done instantly.

The other benefit of Harmony AR Therapy comes when you play against a grinder deck. In the grinder archetype, the corp does small damage over and over, making you lose cards until you can no longer do anything. Harmony AR Therapy will let you fight longer against those deck.

Even one copy of Harmony AR Therapy will allow you to salvage a situation where the corp was able to trash an essential card (like you main breaker or important resource). This will, at least, give you a fighting chance. This will give you some level of protection against rig shooter corp.

There is a lot of power to get events (and other) cards. This will mean survival, more econ and more option to leverage against the corp. At 3 influence, it will seldom be used out of faction. But it is a powerful event.

And the art is soothing, makes you think of your happy place.

(Uprising era)