A Million Feathers v0.0

dtelad11 964

28 Nov 2014 PaxCecilia

I like Cuj.0 for Swordsman, Komainu and Tsurugi defense! I'm still not sold on Duggars, I hate spending a whole turn to toss away 7-8 cards, but you pretty much can get the exact hand you need for your next turn.. and I suppose the Scavenges are there to toss your empty overmind/cuj.0 for something you discarded (as well as refreshing themselves).

28 Nov 2014 Badeesh

No room for Raymond Flint? :/

28 Nov 2014 Badeesh

Sorry to double post, that was meant for a different deck lol. @alsciende if you spot this could you delete please?