Solidarity v0.7

dtelad11 964

1 Dec 2014 invictus_blue

This is one of the first times I've looked real hard at a "Go get the answer" Nasir. How do you manage the balance between early pressure and getting MO/Pro Con online?

1 Dec 2014 dtelad11

You install Professional Contacts (ProCon) when you can. In an ideal world you'll get it turn one, but more often than not you'll get it later. As long as there is unrezzed ice on the table, ProCon is usually an auto-install.

Magnum Opus (MO) is more complicated, as the timing of its installation is crucial. Versus some decks (such as Blue Sun), Nasir, Order of Sol (OoS) and ProCon might be able to carry you through the entire game. Most decks nowadays use either little ice, cheap ice, or both - NEH AstroBiotics and Jin Cambridge being good examples. Against such decks you will probably need an earlier MO. For middle of the pack, such as RP Glacier, you want MO when a reasonable part of your rig is up, but before Nasir completely dries up due to rezzed ice.

I would say that the toughest skill to learn with this deck is MO timing. I'm still working on it myself, so I cannot give any more concrete advice.

16 Jan 2015 4dd150n

Your Stimhack write-up was wonderful. Thanks for inspiring us to challenge ourselves!