
CaKnuckleguy 365

Looking for some feedback on anything obvious I've missed, or general ideas.

This is a pretty standard Kate (non-ppvp) with the goal in mind of leveraging Hemorrhage and Doppleganger as a (semi-)constant HQ pressure. It's not intended to be an 'all-in' strategy, but a reward for doing what a runner should be doing anyways. Running. Criminal excels in this area, but doesn't have the toolbox of Shaper toys to keep it going late into the game.

Getting a Hemorrhage and Doppleganger any click 1 run can lead to a click 2 HQ dig. Doing this enough over the course of a game can hopefully destabilize the corp. R&D Interfaces and Makers eyes take care of the pressure on that central, and now even if the corp Ice's deep on HQ I don't have to worry as much about it. Utopia Shard can be there for anti-combo, or to blow up the corps already small hand after a good double clicking from Hem.
