Tags R'Gus v1.2

TormakSaber 7

Further iterations of my Argus deck.

Agenda changeups to give more money via geothermal fracking, and taking out one Posted Bounty for a Chronos Project. Might change that to a Hostile Takeover since I added Geothermal, but we'll see: 2 false leads and 2 posted bounties should still be plenty.

Took out the Housekeepings: They were fun but the deck practically wants to leak agendas so they were getting trashed a lot. Changed it into an extra Power Shutdown and moved the last slot over to an extra Hunter.

Changed up the ICE and went to 3 Engimas, removing the checkpoint: The deck swims in bad pub, so unfortunately traces end up neutered. Still looking at changing my other ice since this means Hunter is often not doing its job compared to Data Raven.

The deck is largely undefeated so far in casual play. Unfortunately I don't get much of a chance to play really competitively, real life or otherwise. The typical wincon is false lead forfeiting into Scorched, or Posted Bounty forfeit into Scorched. SEA does work too if the opponent is outmoneyed... and we're Weyland, so.

I've considered dropping down to just 1 Jackson. I don't use him much, and the extra 2 infuence would be a 3rd Snare or Data Raven which would be super. I'll play with it. Maybe drop 1 if I can find a 1 influence 1 of that migh tbe good to import. Also considered dropping Geothermals for a different 2 pointer set and running GRNDL Refinery instead. The Taurus could probably also go, but not sure for what.

Dedicated Reponse Team doesn't do much, but it feels like it COULD so I don't want to drop it. It existing deters tagme and running through Ravens, so...