Fisk 1.0

asteriskreaper 20

Any ideas welcome, basically the idea is super runs on HQ while they can't rez ice or hide agendas in remote servers thanks to my currents.

14 Aug 2015 Vimes

I'm surprised this is one of the few Fisk decks running Unscheduled Maintenance on the site. I imagine it will work well for him and he won't have to splash influence on other currents. Hacktivist Meeting is a great card but with a crim current too I wonder if the influence can be better spent elsewhere. Hacktivist punishes upgrades and asset econ, which crim can punish in its own way with things like Security Testing, Drive By, and Unregistered S&W '35.

One upgrade that does hurt this deck though I Crisium Grid on HQ, since you plan to focus that more than any other central. I may be crazy, but I am planning to run a single of Feint myself. Normally it will trigger my ID and activate Unregistered S&W '35 and other HQ procs, but if Crisium prevents it from being successful, you get to access HQ and the chance to trash it without worrying about ice tax.

For some reason your deck does not come up when I search for Laramy. Happy running!