Clicks for trash

pinksky 6

The core idea is simple: use additional clicks from Hyperdriver to activate Data Leak Reversal and trash up to 6 cards in turn.

Safe variant of play: you need installed Hyperdriver, John Masanori, DLR and Forger. When your next turn begins use Hyperdriver and spend first click to run and immediately jack out. John gives you tag and now you can use DLR to trash up to 6 cards. Remove tag with Forger and dig for you next Hyperdriver and Forger to repeat this jank combo.

Dangerous variant of play: go in tagme mode and don't care about anything. You have Carapace to safe your ass from meat damage and Fall Guys to safe your DLR from trashing. Your main credit machine is Magnum Opus. When you trash RnD with insane speed, Daily Casts and Hotels aren't first targets for corp to trash and they live turn or couple so it's fine.

3 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

Hades shard instead of utopia?

3 Aug 2015 pinksky

I think Utopia is more useful than Hades: it is 2 more IMPORTANT for corp cards in acrhives. And yeap there is influence question.