Stealth Kit v0.5

Korror 25

This is the latest iteration on my stealth kit deck and I'll explain the reasoning behind the changes from the last version.

  • -Plascrete + Utopia Shard + Film Critic Meat damage decks are fading in the meta to the point that I no longer feel I have to devote slots specifically to stopping them. Film Critic and Utopia Shard provide protection against Butchershop while not being dead draws against the rest of the field.

  • -Parasite +Knifted Parasite was under preforming without datasucker support. Knifed replaces it to deal with people who try to tax lady with barriers.

  • -1 Kati Jones +1 Personal Workshop. Kati Jones has ended up being a bit slow and with the addition of more event economy, I haven't been as reliant on her. Personal Workshop stacks well with Baby and provides additional drip economy.

I may drop the lucky finds for another knifed and a stimhack but I'm not sure on this. I'll test the current version out in my next GNK and see how it goes.