Sun Macrosystems

HiggsBozo 517

...or, for those of you who like your puns simultaneously utilitarian and juvenile, Worlds ITD BS.

imageIT Department, the OG troll card. If you weren't around for its release, peruse this exhibit at the Museum of History for a glimpse at the unpleasantness you can perpetrate with it.

Anyways, the panic died down eventually. Lukas delivered a much-needed ruling, pumping the brakes on quadratically-increasing ice strength, and perhaps more importantly, we all also realized that IT Department is slow and clunky. It's difficult to find the clicks to load it with counters and protect it along with doing all the other things a corp needs to do, like developing an economy and protecting and advancing agendas (which manifested specifically as concern about tournament time limits). Ubiquitous D4v1d recursion sure didn't help, either.

Now, though, Worlds Plaza and Mumbad Construction Co. allow one remote server to house everything we need - economy, IT Department, and the means to score agendas.

The game plan is pretty simple - get Server Diagnostics, IT Department, and Mumbad Construction Co. on a Plaza, click ITD, wait, score agendas from hand. Expo Grid and The Twins go in the remote when you find them for money and security.

Use Blue Sun to bounce Server Diagnostics whenever you want to install ice, and you can always cycle it for 4 in the early game (you can also cycle any other asset on Plaza for 2). Executive Boot Camp and Daily Business Show help you find whichever piece you're missing, and DBS bottoms agendas you don't want.

This deck basically gambles that it can make big, annoying ice faster than the runner can make D4v1d and Datasucker counters. To do this, it needs ice that

  1. Has multiple subroutines
  2. Has subroutines that the runner has to break on face-check
  3. Ends the run

I think the Grail ice are pretty much the only ones that fit these criteria; you don't want Bioroids or Tracers, Rototurret is too easy to kill with Clone Chip, Tollbooth, Wormhole, and other such ice only eat 1 D4v1d counter, and the bevy of non-EtR ice that punish face-checks allow the runner to just tank it if it means trashing the loaded Plaza.

Hive doesn't punish face-check, but it's a stopper nonpareil, especially in combination with ITD (and you can even Twins it if you absolutely must keep the runner out). Easily justifies its slots.

Caduceus doesn't fit the late-game plan at all, but is essential for surviving early.

Rainbow is there to tank cutlery. If you don't expect any, feel free to replace it with literally anything else.

Try to keep Galahad off the board against Self-modifying Code and Clone Chip; you don't want the runner killing it with an insta-Parasite at the end of your turn.

Note that Clot is mostly irrelevant to Mumbad Construction Co. - the corp has priority immediately after installing an agenda, and can use MCC's ability and score the agenda before the runner ever gains priority.

The agendas are "stuff we can FA" and "Government Takeover". Your goal w/r/t GT is to bottom it with DBS, trash DBS, and never worry about it again. There is a remote possibility (get it?), if the ITD lock gets real enough, that you can build a second remote and score it. Suffice it to say that this is ... not Plan A.

Even though it is often possible to rush Oaktown Renovation early, you should probably resist the temptation to do so; keeping Hive at full power is pretty important.

If you want to troll Noise, you should cut some influence for a Blacklist or a Museum of History (don't go to 54 cards, that will end badly). If you know you won't see Blackmail, you can cut Elizabeth Mills for other tech, e.g. Contract Killer or Cyberdex Virus Suite, or for more econ.

Don't add another Interns; you can't Interns onto Plaza (I mostly use it to recur Boot Camp). Probably don't play Tech Startup, for similar reasons. The only real targets would be Plaza and Jackson.

One thing you could do is cut New Construction and Restructure for 2x Hostile Takeover, and replace one of the ice with Archer, which is pretty dope with this strat.

So, yeah, that's the deck. It's not good, exactly, but it's Good Enough To Troll.

You probably won't beat super-good players on tier-1 decks. But you will catch a lot of people napping, especially people who weren't playing when ITD was released, and you get to make legitimate use of Worlds Plaza, Server Diagnostics, The Twins, and Mumbad Construction Co. And, you know, that's something. Apart from the hectic early game, the actual experience of playing this deck consists mostly of mindlessly clicking IT Department. Your hand does tend to get crowded with Grails and Assets, and most of the thought you have to put into piloting it revolves around this.

Unfortunately, like all flowers that grow from compost heaps of moldering binder fodder, this one blooms only ephemerally, presently crushed beneath the heel of Political Operative's release. So "enjoy" it while you can, dear readers.

21 Mar 2016 darwindeez

Looks more fun than it is!! But still major props for building with World's and Server Diagnostics.