You have much to learn, Keung Pad Diwan

Whrrrrr 173

I did it all for the pun. However this is really fun to play!

Inject finds the pieces. Diwan for Archives, Vigil if you want to install a second (plus it fits the Jedi theme). Prepaid Voicepad keeps your Knifey Spoony and econ events cheaper.

Regret nothing, you will.

12 Dec 2016 CommissarFeesh

Your pun game is incredible, but what are you using to break Sentries to be able to Knife them?

12 Dec 2016 esutter479

I would guess MKUltra.

12 Dec 2016 Whrrrrr

Thanks @CommissarFeesh. Indeed, MKUltra is the sentry breaker here. It was Cujo before Martial Law came out.

12 Dec 2016 CommissarFeesh

Huh, weird. MKUltra wasn't showing up for me before when viewing the list, it is now.

12 Dec 2016 Whrrrrr

Wow, so the same thing just happened to me when I loaded this page in Chrome. Might be a bug with the new data pack?

12 Dec 2016 ExplodyCat

10/10, would pun again