
tokeeto 16

This deck almost build itself.

It plays like an Anarch deck, in that it's fast an explosive, and not quite stable.

Inti is there for occasional backup, but mostly it's about trashing a lot of ice, and reordering what's left for maximum benefit. Once you have a fat Inversificator and Magnum Opus on the table, you're golden.

There is quite possibly room for improvement, especially once you start considering whatever local meta you're a part of.

Oh, and to spoil the plan if it isn't obvious: Install Inversificator, run on anything. Since you're kit, it's always a codegate FOR THE ENTIRE RUN, then, after passing the outer piece of ICE, you swap the outer and the next one, encountering the same ICE again - which is still a codegate.

But, what if the second one, (now outer-most) is nasty? Don't be afraid to "waste" a run, only rearranging ICE. It'll be worth it. Any single-ICE protected server, is an opportunity to get rid of expensive-to-break ICE.

28 Jun 2017 Heinrich

What is En Passant for? You don't pass the other ICE, right?

28 Jun 2017 tokeeto

@HeinrichThat is correct. En Passant isn't "forced" in this deck. But very often the corp will let you run past a piece of unrezzed ICE, simply because it isn't economical to rez it right now.

Imagine an unrezzed Ice Wall in front of a rezzed DNA Tracker. The corp wouldn't care to rez Ice Wall, since it would save you about 5 creds this run. They'd rather wait for the third piece of ICE to lock you out - don't let them.

En Passant makes sure that it never becomes an issue for you.
The same goes for Kraken. There's no "trick" to letting it fire. You simply play when you can.

1 Jul 2017 aero

Why not just 1 more spooned and a same old thing instead of 2 en passant? You'll force them to rez their ices most games anyway.

2 Jul 2017 tokeeto

Experience says that the corp won't bother rezzing code gates early game. They'll use them as scare tactics. With en passant in the deck, you can force a rez (economic setback) where as with spooned, there's no gambling. And En Passant is cheaper to play.

Also, when the corp makes an ICE-only server, to set up later as a scoring server, they usually just looks baffled at you, as you run it, only to realize their mistake seconds later.