This is hands down my favorite ambush in Netrunner. It is either good (-1 agenda point) or it's great (2 tags) and it costs you no money. In addition to always being good it works from anywhere.

That having been said, this card is a great example of the developer's skill at balancing and integrating with other cards.

This card seems overpowered until you realize that it can be fed to Data Dealer for an absurd profit. In addition if you have the ability to go tag me the power of this card is reduced. so if you aren't packing significant tag punishment as the corp, news team becomes much worse.

Also it synergizes well with SYNC: Everything, Everywhere and also Quantum Predictive Model.

All in all it's a great ambush that like #snare will only win you a game outright if the runner makes a mistake but slows the game down to help you leverage your game plan.

Is this considered scoring an agenda? Will it trigger cards like argus security / trojan horse etc? —
No, @droggar it is different. You add it to your score area. —

So this card is critically important to many small program builds like Noise, Hayley and technical Kate because it makes the low cost/low value programs and hardware playable. With Aesop's in play any limited utility or one time use program like cache, imp, d4v1d, lady, etc become an additional three credits of econ.

This means for most of them you get to use them AND gain a profit from them. This core set card breathes live into a lot of cards that would not be playable otherwise when fighting for deckslots. It makes provides click less economy for cards that you want to get rid of and recur maximizing shaper bullshit and enabling noise economy to work.

I think this should only target Programs and Hardware. Wouldn't have a huge impact, but I think it would make more sense, become more focused and not work on face-down cards. —
I don't think Aesop working on face-down cards really unbalances the game. Apex can't install Aesop unless the corp plays Cerebral Static, other factions need to import either Hunting Grounds, Harbinger or Apocalypse to get face-down cards. —