Johnny Polite 387

This was inspired by Noise decks with Aesop's and Sahasrara to install programs for cheap. I figure, who better to install lots of programs for cheap than the Professor? When Cache is free to play and Aesop's is out it's a 6 credit boost, which is pretty nice.

The only traditional econ is Professional Contacts and Sure Gamble, the Ice Analyzers and Sahasraras make intalling very efficient breakers very cheap.

Problems: Often memory starved early game. Not consistent. I've won a fair number of games with it, but I'm not sure at this point if it just wouldn't be better as a Freelance Coding Contract deck instead of a Sahasrara deck.

13 Nov 2014 JAK

Love the deck name. Why both Astrolabe and Box-E?

My Prof deck on here is kinda similar, but goes down the FCC version.

I found Djinn to be too slow, and don't like the ProCon tempo hit. Glad to see I'm not the only ProfCache fan!

If you're going for efficient breakers, why not include a Faerie? It's makes for easy early game runs with an SMC out and little cash, along with being great with clone chip.

13 Nov 2014 Johnny Polite

Basically, I'm happy to get either Astrolabe or Box-E early. Box-E is nicer because I can always use more memory, but Astrolabe helps me to get set up faster. So if I get an Astrolabe early, I can always pawn it to Aesop to install Box-E when I can.

I like Djinn for its ability to host multiple programs - it's a great place for my Sahasraras. Also, it means I can tutor for the viruses I need without wasting my SMC's.

You're right that Pro Con is a big tempo hit. All in all, I think the deck is too slow, so I might have to try re-tooling it to go the FCC route instead.

In fact, a recent modification I made to the deck was to take out Sharpshooter for Faerie. Faerie can save you from Information Overload, which is a big plus.