You Cold Bro? v2

Oisin 228

I've played ETF as my main corp deck since I started playing Netrunner. I originally played a Redcoats taxing deck with Bioroid Efficiencies and a bunch of 5/3 agendas. I then switched to a ToyBox deck, but found it too slow. Now I've been playing a hybrid FA/Glacier that uses great code gates and a pretty big program destruction suite. I think this is the most stable and consistent version of the deck I have built.

Strategy: Generally, my strategy is to try and use the Biotics to trip an ABT early. That, especially with an Ash, will often produce a quick scoring window for a 5/3 early in the game before the runner is prepared. Nothing too revolutionary. But it works. If I have an opportunity early, I will score out a Vitruvius with an extra counter--that can allow me to get a Biotic out for a final score.

Kati Jones and/or Magnum Opus are this deck's greatest enemies. But even against those credit machines, this deck can tax the runner into frustration. Don't go broke for a fast advance. Keep the credits high so the runner needs to fear the sentries. Against criminals, I will often "turtle" and not use my Eve Campaigns (installing and waiting out an Adonis in the scoring server); I just don't want to make an easy target for Security Testing or Bank Job.

Card Choices: My last version of this deck had 22 ice. I've cut two ice for an Interns and a Will-o'-the-Wisp. Interns is great since I will usually discard some ice while Jacksoning for an agenda or a Biotic. Install costs get crazy on this deck, since the Ice on HQ, R/D, and/or the scoring server can be 4 deep. Installing a 5th piece of ice on the scoring server for free is sublime. Also, I love the Wisp. LOVE THE WISP. I had played with an Aggressive Secretary in that slot, but the Wisp is better. Once O&C comes out, I will likely cut an Ichi for a second Wisp.

A note on Wraparound: I play these to force the runner to waste a tutor or an install on their fracter. Every click, credit, and card they spend finding a fracter is one less click, credit, and card they have to find a Sentry breaker. And every click, credit, and card they have to find a Sentry breaker is one less click, credit, and card they have to break a Code Gate. And the Code Gates in this deck keep the scoring server nice and cozy. At worst, a Quandary or a Wraparound can "Inside Job Proof" the Code Gates late in the game.

I can't make up my mind about which sentries I should use in this deck--each has a strength. Roto ends the run early, and costs me 4 for a 2 tax. But it wilts to Parasite. Ichi is a great tax--often 6 credits or 3 clicks, but doesn't end the run or deter "hail Mary" Maker's Eye swings. Sagittarius is potentially the most damaging, but is pretty useless if they have a decent sentry breaker out. Ichi 2.0 costs 8 to rez and shares the "hail Mary" weakness of her little sister. Fenris gives bad pub, which really isn't worth the brain damage. Architect is great, but can't end the run and doesn't destroy Code Gate breakers, um, I mean "programs." In the end, I keep coming back to the list published here, or I switch out an Ichi for a second turret for a bit more early game ETR. I am also wondering if I wouldn't prefer a second Will-o' in this slot.

The economy on this deck can be tricky--you have to think about where to spend every credit, and not be afraid to triple-click (or install, credit, credit) some turns. But in the end you should be able to create and identify windows when the runner is too poor to run.