Weyland Tag & Bag

KillerShrike 17

My weyland tag and bag deck

4 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

With shipment from kaguya and drt, why not run ghost branch and false lead. Both data Raven and ghost branch, as well as snare are fantastic with it. Runner can only run on 1 and 3 safely. Kaguya ups the threats and expands the boards and click compression.

7 Mar 2014 KillerShrike

I've only ever gotten ghost branch to hit a couple of times, so I tend to avoid it.

Anyway, post Fear and Loathing, this deck has changed quite a bit; not sure if for the better but definitely more fun. DRT is out, Salvage is out (it never really performed), Commercialization is out...etc.

I'll get the new list posted soon.