Switchblade Andy

Navelgazer 324

The second of two decks I'm trying out for the first time tonight, interested in any and all thoughts for improvement. Turning Andy into a bit of a Shaper, with Switchblade, Paintbrush, Cloak and Silencer to let her hack through anything as needed. Using Core Set, Trace Amount, Humanity's Shadow, Up & Over, and Honor & Profit.

30 Dec 2014 saltytacopanda

Paintbrush and Kati Jones don't go well together. Too click intensive. I think you should probably swap out Kati Jones for more traditional Andy economy like Desp/SecurityTest or whatnots.

31 Dec 2014 Ragnarook
  • What's your full rig look like? Paintbrush + 2x Cloak + Switchblade? I don't see how you have the memory to also use Crypsis & Sneakdoor, nor do you have the economy to play them as throwaway programs.
  • Crypsis is click intensive, as is Paintbrush, as is Kati.
  • Only 1x Desperado?
  • 3x Early Bird??? How are you supposed to run first click when you need to paint everything first?
  • No Plascrete or other means of tag protection?
  • You're relying on a 3-or-4 card combo (Switchblade, Paintbrush, Cloak/Silencer) before you can break your first piece of ICE, and no tutors to get them out faster. So you won't be able to get in anywhere early.
  • Since you need to spend 2 stealth credits per ice, and you have max 5 available (not enough for more than 2 Cloaks), all it takes is 3 stacked ice to completely shut you out (barring Crypsis, but again, no memory for Crypsis). So you won't be able to get in anywhere late.

The core idea of Paintbrush + Switchblade has potential, but I think the deck would need drastic changes to make it actually work, and I suspect it will be better out of Shaper.

31 Dec 2014 Navelgazer

Yeah, after testing I can see just how poorly executed (and conceived?) this deck was, for all the reasons listed above. Basically, I can tutor for the Switchblade itself, but no other components, the Crypsis and Sneakdoor Beta, which I brought in as insurance, are too memory-intensive and clunky to work that way, etc. Perhaps some version of this could work with Chaos Theory: Wünderkind, but the draw towards using Andy for it (i.e. the hope of building the rig right out the gate) is still too remote to be worthwhile. Thanks for the comments, everybody!

31 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@Navelgazer well maybe it's salvageable, I think if you drop a Paintbrush and a Cloak for 2 Test Run's this gives you some search for the other programs and recurrence if needed i'd also drop 2 special orders for 2 SOT's allowing to reuse test run. Probably have to change Desperado for Box-E that's where id start anyway see how that went and then take it from their.

31 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

Oh i think id stick a Yog.0 in 2 that way you can use Paintbrush to make low ICE free to get through.