无二打(No second Strike)The 20 card demolition run.

TeacupGiraffe 137

''For Li Shuwen, a second strike is needless''

-Mahatma Gandhi.

Gáe Bulg. Hokuto Shin Ken. Wuxi finger hold. Avada Kedavra. Tsubame Geashi and so on and so forth. All them have one thing in common being that a single hit is plenty enough to destroy their foes and that is the entire idea behind this deck. No endless running, no big rigs, No praying and hoping to take that one agenda hidden among other cards. Just one precise hit hard enough to break through all their defense and win the game in one fell swoop.

literally go fire nation on the air nomads.

The game plan.

The best runners are those that get additional benefits while doing actions and Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire(Better known as Xx420stimhackmaster360noscopexX) is the only runner who can put pressure on the corp by installing viruses. Sure you might not get an agenda but a card is still a card, be it an operation or asset, the corp player just lost something.

Grab a Djinn, fetch an Incubator, play it and let it cook. Grab out Cache and just let the money flow in, milling a card from R&D each time you ''cash'' in. (☞^∀゚)☞

Get money from Daily Casts while having amazing clickless card draw from Earthrise Hotel and I've Had Worse along with endless money and milling from Déjà Vu.

B-but what is Chakana for?

Other than being a virus this is your silver bullet versus any deck, it works to stall out the corp player. If anytime the corp player could potentially score and win before you can set your plans in motion, simply move counters from a smaller incubator over to a hivemind and clone chip or install a Chakana.

There is nothing funnier than pulling one out with clone chip and going full phoenix wright on the corp player.

Recipe for success.

You will be needing the following ingredients be it in hand, installed or in the heap

A Demolition Run and Hades Shard(optional but fun)

A Medium, Hivemind and/or Crypsis installed or in the heap with the required amount of Clone Chip(s)

and enough virus counters on Incubator to literally drown in.

Move the counters on to Hivemind

Pull out the other pieces using clone chips.

Demolition Run, breaking through all ice like a cool-aid man on steroids with Crypsis and all the credits you have amassed throughout the whole game from the Cache money.

Savor the despair on the corp player's face as you go through R&D with ease.

Fire off another run on R&D or play a Hades shard from your hand and fire it off to instantly access all cards that you have milled since the start of the game.

Win or lose, you just managed to go off with a bang. Well done.

Problems that you might face. Also known as:''B-but what if the corp purges virus c-counters?''

Yes, it happens. Sometimes the corp player is smart enough to do something else other than play a biotic labour and fast advance an Astroscript. Should you be bothered by it? Maybe, but an entire turn was wasted to delay a threat. Cards are still being milled, credits are still raining, incubator is growing once more.

''Man who does not run has no fear of Scorched Earth''

-TeacupGiraffe & Confucius

So how does this deck fare against corp players?

Jinteki will hate you as their mindgames won't work if you don't run. Nisei is their only protection being able to stop runs and protect servers.

Weyland can't touch you since you don't run, therefore you can't be tagged. The new AtlasTrain decks might prove to be an issue which will depend on the number of times they want to purge virus counters.

HB will be too busy securing their servers but as long as R&D not a priority you should be fine.

NBN will try to race you often focusing on scoring over actually purging virus counters which works to your benefit. Tag storm suffers from the ''No run, no tag'' problems as well.

Final words?

Not much for the most part. Is this a competitive deck? Maybe. Will this win games? Hopefully. Is it fun? Yes.

A game is played to be enjoyed and i hope you have fun trying this flashy deck as much as i had writing this out.