Icecream Headache

wishmaster317 42

An update of the good old Brainbuster deck. Some inclusions were obviously to combat the current meta. The usual suspects are here; Crisium Grid, Cyberdex, and Swordsman. Wraparound is awesome since fracters are few and far between right now.

The only thing I wish I could improve would be making the large ice easier to rez. As it stands I have to rely on a lucky ABT to find and rez one. In the old version I have had to hard rez one of these, so it is possible.

The Punative and Snare! are here as a surprise factor. Since the rest of the deck is focused on brain damage and taxing the runner to complete runs, they might not be expecting it. The original version had Neural EMP, but the runner always kept too many cards in hand to be effective and ended up as a dead draw.

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, so I'm not sure how it performs. Any feedback is appreciated.