Demolition Man

Neovitalis 13

Ever since I started playing netrunner I've been infatuated with the idea of being able to win without stealing agendas. When I play corp, this means tricking people into running on traps or playing around with Ronin, Scorched Earth, Neural EMP, Punitive Counterstrike, and the like. As the runner, it always means Noise.

This deck really only wants to run one time. The Corp can purge all they want, because this deck will need some time to get going, but the idea is that with a couple of mediums in play one demo run can really swing the game.

Advantages: Corp will likely Ice Archives, this diverts resources for protecting R&D. This is actually a plus because all we really want is one REALLY big Demolition Run.

Fast Advance is disrupted by the presence of Chakana and the random mill of Noise himself. This can provide scoring windows in remote servers. Keeps Corp guessing at the real goal.

RP and the New Weyland ID with a similar effect. These abilities are all but negated due to how little actual running the deck does.

Tags. This deck doesn't run often. When there has been no run, it's very difficult to tag the runner.

It's really fun to have several counters on Hivemind, and parasites sitting on personal workshop. When they rez Ice, instead of encountering it, simply parasite it and it goes away, and they mill 1. Disadvantages: Once your meta figures out how this deck plays and it's goal-You're done. This is easily played and built around using cards for quick or even reactionary purges, that's probably the best defense against it.

If they just rush you, again you're done. One Ice on a remote, score out of it while the set up is happening.

Deck is still a work in progress, I want to fit in more money especially, Comments and suggestions welcome.