The Valencia Squeeze v.01

W4lt3r B15h0p 66

*Update: My meta has been running RP a bit more lately. Nisei MK II tends to slam Blackmail runs to a screeching halt. I hope to pop Quest Completed to gain instant access(provided if I made a successful run on a central). *

This deck has promise. After a little play testing, this is what I've come up with so far. The deck has the ability to do fixed breaker runs or Eater/Keyhole trash. Ideally I want to put the "squeeze" on HQ via Bad Publicity(4-5) and Itinerant Protesters. Mulligan the hand if there's no Investigative Journalism, drop into play first turn and then use it the second turn. Quality Time, Inject, I've Had Worse, to get to the cards you need. Same Old Thing, Clone Chip, Déjà Vu and Retrieval Run for recursion. Levy AR Lab Access to get all back again. Vigil will give you click-less draw. Blackmail run the remotes for the agendas.

Face-check things if need be. Special Order to tutor breakers. If you see Elizabeth Mill, trash the bitch.