Weyland Trick of Light v0.1

Silver_One 1

Just rush fast profit with Hostile Takeover and use free credit from your ID card to advance ice. Use Trick of Light to move advancement token from ice to Agenda and score it faster than light.

Shipment from Kaguya help you to score your agendas and/or boost your ices.

Commentary and tips are welcome.

16 Mar 2015 Laxen

Matrix analyzer is a cool addition, but why not at least 1 Scorched Earth to put some fear of tags into those pesky Runners? :)

Also, why so many Wendigo? They don't do much by themselves. And what do you intend to use Helium-3 deposit? Can't see any card that uses power counters (or if I missed any there aren't many :P)

16 Mar 2015 Silver_One

I take note for the next version of this deck, Helium-3 Deposit can upgrade Dracō. Scorched Earth is a good idea.

Wendigo can store advancement token for Trick of Light transfert. Maybe 2 copy of this ice fit better.

17 Mar 2015 Laxen

Ok, that's gonna make you able to use it at all at least - though personally I would probably go for an Agenda that does more in more situations :) For example NAPD Contract or Project Atlas if you have any of those cards (NAPD is hard to steal and Atlas can be scored fast or give you card search if you need it).

Ok, if you use Wendigo only for tokens transfer I would suggests using either the Fire Wall of any of th Space ICE (Wormhole, Asteroid Belt, Nebula, Orion. These cards do more "on their own". I see that you haven't used a single Order & Chaos card though, so you might not have this pack? It's a great pack though if you intend to play Wayland!