The new Side of H.Bioroid

SlayerCNV 250

So...i'm not the strongest player in the world, but i've a special feeling with HB. I played it for a damn long time and i took a HB with 12 (T-W-E-L-V-E) Jinteki influence to Italian national with a good 7th place. Now i've seen this ID. This made me cry because i was asking and praying for an HB with 40 cards and for an HB that can aim to flatline by his-self. And the FFG made me so happy for this gift!

  • The star of this deck will be Valley Grid. For now idk if 3x will be TOO many with 44 cards, but we'll see.
  • Neural EMP is just a called add in this ID, so be, ok, i'll be foreseeable but "hey!"
  • 8 econ cards. Beh this i know are enough. in 44 cards with JH
  • Cerebral Overwriter is because i need 1\2 brains for be more aggressive
  • Ash is another big add. Simply taxing and AWESOME with Valley Grid! Simply runner can't run the server twice if these upgrades are there!
  • Then ices, 3 NAPDs of 8 agendas and 1 Utopiafor make the corp more taxing

Just a thing..unluckly NEXT Gold is less strong i expected. A very good facecheck, but totally less strong. I'm really sorry for this, but we can't change it. Just let's hope next Platinum will be stronger!

10 Apr 2015 vor_lord

NEXT Gold is hard to land, but can be absolutely devastating late game. It loves Corporate Troubleshooter, which you have in faction.

You only need to land it once.

11 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

@bw I really don't know what cut off, actually. I'll try it this way and just see. NEXT Gold is good for strength up other next so let's see.