SuperHands Alpha

Retraux 7

A Criminal variation of Pre-Paid Kate, running Faerie recursion for Sentry breaks with the addition of the frankly underrated Gingerbread as a multi-tool that never sits unused.

With over half the cards being events, there is tons of run economy in this deck. Desperado and Three Steps Ahead beats working a Day Job any day of the week. You just might learning something too, especially with Enhanced Vision.

Prepaid VoicePAD is going to be your best friend, eeking extra economy out of your Sure Gamble and Lucky Find, and helping you pocket those run event credits fairly regularly. Same Old Thing your Econ cards, rinse, repeat. This is all standard fare.

What's glaringly absent? Account Siphon. I've had a real dry spell with this card and finally decided to ditch it after enough dead draws in games where it was impractical, but getting rid of it saved me 5-6 cards including Crash Space.

Final thoughts : This deck is fast, fun to run and always has one last trick up it's sleeve. Unless he dies horribly.