HB Kill deck.

thrazznos 479


Fenris is obviously early game hero, but with Valley Grid, even on a remote he is a temporary brain damage. Cyberdex is there to hose Atman/Parasite sucker decks. If you can activate Ash, Valley Grid basically guarantees they cannot run again in the same turn.

Ronin is an interesting exclusion, if you can manage to land 2 brain damage, putting Ronin in a server with Valley Grid basically is a lose/lose for the runner, but I prefer Snare! so I can ice my remotes aggressively, which has synergy with Valley Grid anyway.

Ice are a means to keep the runner annoyed, and if they decide to break them all on a remote run, cool.

Corporate Troubleshooter gets you possibly another brain from fenris, or boosts Next Gold if you are completely loaded.

Play aggressively with Vitruvius, if you can get 2 counters on it, 1 Neural EMP becomes 3, not to mention it can pull double Duty as a second jackson. I don't love the agenda spread, but not sure what to use.