HB: Engineering Click Hole - 5th Place GNK Uncommons 5/21

sgtsquiggs 2

An evolution on Daine's Clicking Hell v1.3.

Placed 5th overall at Uncommons, NYC 5/21. Corp lost once, my runner faired much worse.

Swapped in Enhanced Login Protocol, Turing, Breaker Bay Grid, and more econ to mesh with BBG. Swapped out Strongbox, Biotic Labor/Rework/Archived Memories (what-if cards), Hourglass, Troll.

7 May 2015 sgtsquiggs

This deck feels the heat from the Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe + Blackmail combo. Not sure yet what I would swap out., but I'd swap in Elizabeth Mills.

22 May 2015 Dippy

Don't you find the Breaker Bay Grid redundant with the Heinlein Grid as you want both in your big remote where your upgrades are and adonis/eve sits for some time?

22 May 2015 sgtsquiggs


I've been considering swapping out Breaker Bay Grid or Heinlein Grid to put Strongbox back in. I've found that runners are less eager to trash unprotected econ cards once I've rezzed them for free w/ BBG.

If I end up keeping Heinlein, I'll probably swap Project Vitruvius for NAPD Contract

In the last tournament I swapped a single Heinlein Grid out for Elizabeth Mills. Never saw any use.