46 cards are for hipsters - Budapest 2015 Regionals Winner

Malvolio 142

Went 3-2 in the swiss, (losing to Grail NEH heavily and Grail RP, a very close game where I simply got outplayed in psi games) 2-0 in eliminations. Now that Chrome City is out, playing around with Net-Ready Eyes and Yog/datasuckers is probably better again than the Refractor, so this style of Andromeda was really good only up to this point, I feel. It could end up better in Hayley, but we shall see!

After hastily getting back to the game, I was confused with the amount of competitive choices, especially on the runner side. I really liked how Switchblade played versus RP, so I tried the Switchblade Andromeda. After seeing most corps fell to playing Lotus Fields and Tollbooths for their codegates (and IQ and Viktor were here and there as well) I figured I could dump all the remaining influence into also playing with the Refractor instead of trying to solve codegates with datasuckers and a weak breaker, and be really good at Security Testing everywhere with stealth credits from the Cloaks. I also fell in love with Career Fair, and how much it makes Earthrise Hotel feel good in criminal. Both of these choices (refractor setup and career fair) provide benefits at the expense of deck space however, so when I jerk-threw in 2 plascretes, fearing I could run into a field of all-butcher shops, or Blue Sun Punitive decks - I realized I ended up with a 47 card deck. There was nothing I could really take out except for the economy which I preffered not to, so I decided to keep all the tools I wanted at the expense of some reliability. Just remove one Career Fair and a Plascrete for a standard 45 cards deck.

The idea of the deck is to spread the corp ice thin as they try to ice up everything you can Security test, which slows them down so you have time to draw into your rig which once set up will wipe the floor with most servers. Strong threat to HQ with Account Siphon and Emergency shutdown can also give you a lot of time.

Emergency shutdown extends the early game and gives you more time to draw into your full rig, and I definitely want one as it creates powerful turns in combination with Account Siphon, even later in the game.

E3 was sort-of the MVP of the deck, as it covers for a critical weakness, all the high-strength barriers that are expensive with the Corroder without suckers, starting with the Eli, and then going up. I also suspected Breaker Bay Grid would inspire many to play HB, and who can resist throwing an expensive bioroid here and there when you can get so much free money? (this was one of the reasons I decided one Emergency Shutdown was worth it, also).

Having one of each breaker means you have to play carefully against Grail before you set all 3 breakers up. Grail RP isn't so bad since they are slow anyway, but Grail NEH Astrobiotics is a pretty touch matchup, and the only heavy loss this deck suffered on the day.

HQ interface could have been better than Legwork in this sort of deck, but I didn't have time to test it.