Your Friendly Neighbourhood CyberDiv v1.00

RenHero 1

This is the deck I piloted at Legends Warehouse Regionals in Vaughan, ON. Unfortunately I finished in the basement (the deck itself went 2-4, which is more than I can say for "Keeping it Rielle"), I don't know if my face is too expressive, if they got lucky, if my mannerisms visibly changed, if they can freeze time and look at the cards, if I lack discipline, if I had a mirror behind me, but it felt like 90% of the time they would call my bluff or correctly guess. (Even playing a literal shell game with 3 cards in hand, shuffling them around, randomly installing one and advancing it twice, led to them making the right call - though it did shock my opponent when he realized it was completely blind.)

The one game where I got to live the dream, I managed to score all three Self-Destruct Chips, then I ended up with both Neural EMPs in hand.

Cyberdex Virus Suite came up once all day, and it was the turn a Medium got installed, so it removed a single counter. That's just luck of the draw though, and the meta here has more than enough virus shenanigans to warrant the deck space. The most stage time Ryon Knight saw was when people hit him on a R&D access and had to pause and read what it did, and if I pilot something similar he's going to get cut, because it requires too many variables to work - ideally they'd click through a bioroid on the same server he's installed in. It didn't happen, and next iteration will ditch him for more ICE. I don't know if I can drop anything else to make room for more ICE, cause it felt like everything else had its place.

All in all, I had fun for the most part, and I think that under better circumstances the deck could do well, but today just wasn't my day. Maybe with more experience playing shell game decks it'll go better.