Blue Fun (5th Place Regionals)

DrSleepless 66

This deck was created on a car ride to a tournament that was two weeks before the nearby Regionals. It has performed far beyond my expectations. I have always enjoyed playing Weyland ever since Core Set and I feel as if my love has been renewed.

After 5 rounds, it was undefeated going into the Top 8 cut. Fortunately, I had higher seating for the first double-elim round against a fantastic guy from the Stimhack group. My runner hadn't been performing nearly as well, so I chose to corp. The shenanigans are real. I ended the game by scoring a single advanced Posted Bounty, forfeiting it, and then using two Atlas counters to find the Biotic Labor and the, much needed, second scorch.

There was not a single game I played during swiss or elims where the game felt similar to a previous one. That's the thing I love most about this deck. Before, I had been playing the Gov't Takeover-6 agenda-Punitive deck, but that got boring very quickly.

When people in my local group first looked at this deck, they said, "What is this trash." As I looked up with the face of someone who had just woken up and downed a Red Bull to go play a card game, I responded, "I have no idea." Let me go over some of the choices that were made during that car ride to include some of these cards. I promise these thoughts aren't very deep

Project Atlas: I'm playing Weyland

Hostile Takeover: I'm playing Weyland

Geothermal Fracking: I like money, and I need a 2-pointer (this would've been a Corporate War, but I think Bad Pub is cool...also i couldn't find them)

Posted Bounty: I wanted the potential for triple scorch, also it was something i could score from being unadvanced for the fast-advance backup play

Hades Fragment: I needed one 3 pointer...and this was the first one I found in the box

Jackson: I'm playing Corp

Blacklist: I couldn't find the third Jackson. This card ended up being way better than I hoped. It let to quite a few surprise Archers being extremely punishing.

Elizabeth Mills: Multiple reasons. Personal Workshop was a prominent card, and it allowed me to remove BP and bounce-repeat. This actually won me the game against a Valencia when I had it in opening hand.

Ghost branch: I wanted at least 1 trap to attempt to bluff something that was advanced. I really wanted to be a Cerebral Overwritter, but I didn't want to cut anything for influence.

Archer: I feel as if this card had started falling out of favor. People weren't respecting a possible Archer in the same way that they had used to. Prepaid Kates had taken sharpshooter out of a lot of builds and this card really did some work.

Mother Goddess: I don't think I will ever make a Blue Sun deck without at least one of these. They are amazing with this ID. There have been too many times that i was able to install this over a remote and have the runner have no way of getting into the server within the first few turns.

Janus: When people see Blue Sun with a lot of money, they usually assume there is a curtain wall somewhere. This card fits the same category as Archer, in that people have lost respect for it. They will often run last click and take it to the face. I won one game when someone stimhacked on last click without a way to break it... oh and it also makes you a bunch of money with OAI, but i usually won't spoil the surprise.

Taurus: I don't want you to have consoles

Wormhole: subroutine shenanigans with Data Raven, Janus, Taurus, and Archer

now for the one card that has made this deck as fun as it has been... a single Biotic Labor. This card opens up so many potential plays that I am surprised it is not splashed in Weyland more. It allows for SEA-triple scorch. It allows for fast advanced atlas'. It allows for a naked Posted Bounty to lead to a kill if they weren't gripping 4 cards. Once i even used it to draw more cards!! Everyone knows that card draw in card games is good.

Overall, this deck has been a blast. I haven't changed anything about it since I fumbled it together. I wanted to see how far it would go before I attempted to streamline it. If I were to make changes now, I would probably take out the wormhole and the wendigo for other ice. The deck has pooped the bed by not drawing any ETR ice quick enough. I lost in a finals because I got flooded through 2 jacksons and the only ice I saw were Wormhole and Wendigo.

Check out my runner deck I had paired with this. I'm notorious for always playing Gabe, so I embraced it. A write-up for that should be coming soon.

16 Jun 2015 tomdidiot

Which Regionals was this? I think Blue Sun Scorch n' Score is very good in the current meta (it'll be less good if Butcher shop becomes even more of a thing). Well done on 4th!

16 Jun 2015 DrSleepless

It was at +1 Gaming in Metairie Louisiana. Butcher is already huge. out of 6 games I played, 5 were Butcher.