government simulator v1.3 first place spilamberto regional

Guaina 157

17 Jun 2015 SlayerCNV



18 Jun 2015 sruman

No excalibur? Seems to be a perfect fit for the CG / OFG combo.

19 Jun 2015 Guaina

excalibur was in one of the first builds the problem is that with 17 ices i don't have space for it, also a 1x would not be consistent. In the end a late game server will cost 70 credit or more so i felt like excalibur was not needed

21 Jun 2015 SlayerCNV

explanation: the server not costs REALLY 70 credits. But for steal an agenda you need double run on HQ + 5 for crisium + run on remote.

22 Jun 2015 SlayerCNV

Anyway I could never play this. Guaina is damn strong, nothing to say.

1 Jul 2015 Danny

I played this deck at my last local gaming night. I really enjoyed it. Do you have any advice for games where you don't get Off the Grid when you are ready to score? Is there room in the deck for bootcamp?

Thanks. :)

1 Jul 2015 Guaina

boot camp is decent but can't tutor upgrades :(. if you want to play it you can swap out 1 refinery and 1 private contracts for 2 boot camp or 1 boot camp and 1 contract killer. usually i son't score without off the grid unless is a clear scoring window or i have punitives cause losing an agends is painful since they are hard to find for you too

2 Jul 2015 Danny

Nice thanks. I have played about ten games with the exact same list and have enjoyed it. I feel like I am doing something wrong though because when I get off the grid I feel I don't have the money to install it and score an agenda. Any advice? How does your average game go?

2 Jul 2015 Guaina

i usually try to make a lot of money by any means necessesary in the early game (giving a couple of acces on R&D early on is safe enough cause of the low agenda density). try to get a private contracts going or an amazon server with a decent ice to defend it. when you have enough money go off the crisium grid and close the game. it's also fine to rush a governemnt contracts early on cause that gives you a really easy way to make money. it's a reallly slow deck so you should take your time usually my games ends in 40 minutes (and i play really fast too)

7 Aug 2015 Danny

I have been playing this deck again recently. I went -2 Fire Wall +2 Spiderweb. That was the only change I made. I have noticed that games when I do not get Off the Grid seem very hard to win, or when it is trashed (even if the runner isn't running the remote, just loosing the OTG) without the Archived Memories.

Have you made any changes recently? Do you find that not drawing your Off the Grid makes the game harder to win against decks like prepaid Kate where they can get money and wait for you to do something?

Also the PPK deck I played against had film critic, which completely shut down the Punative Counterstrike kill. Any advice?

10 Aug 2015 Guaina

-1 hadrian's -1 wall of thorns -2 Lotus field -2 grndl refinery -2 amazon +3spiderweb +1 janus + 1 contractor killer + 2 esecutive boot campionato +1 Elizabeth mills. You may also switch janus for hadrian's and pur an allele supression instead of the secondo bootcamp. A!so i'll pur one pubblicato supporto in as sono as i can probably in place of Elizabeth or the secondo camp. If you facendo a Kate wich just stand there and James money just kill Katy or bait him into running with the killer or a true agenda just so you can score another one in the next turno. Films critics ust mean you can discard punitives. Oh also vs prepaid Kate male sure to create a lady's nella server with curtain+spider+ firewall... Che needs 5 counters to passato that 10 if it's HQ with off the crisium it's really funny when that happens. If the runner is slow remember create the best possibile server and then watch him crush and burn against 2 off the grid's and a crisium (in this case the mostra valuable agenda is hades shard)