The first ones to die....

Spoonfunk 182

This is my test pilot for the new crim runner. His new ability has me really intrigued. The first place my mind went when I saw him was Muertos gang member and off campus apartment, which is the main inspiration for this deck. I am trying to go for a headlock criminal concept with this. The card draw ability allowing me to access those expendable cards to keep the pressure on. Using Off Campus allows me to ramp up the card draw while Autoscripter and Savior Faire allow me to install in a blink and make up lost time installing all these things Account Siphon, Forged and Same ol' for draining credits. I am going to try to see how much leverage I can apply by using Muertos, compromised employee, forged activation and crescentus to keep the player always questioning their installs and whether or not they really want to rez that ice. The big risk that I am concerned about is the breaker suite. The cloud breakers are pretty bad. To help with their weakness's I have included LLDS processor and grappling hook. I am thinking though that I might need a mainline emergency breaker like crypsis or overmind. Just for those situations where I don't have enough breakers installed. Medium and Legwork for the win cards.

Let me know what you guys think and whether or not I am barking up the wrong tree with this guy.