Updated Kate (to creation and control)

valerian32 149

This deck is for making a simple runner

For scroched earth I'm going to rely on having a good hand of 7 or plus.

Money brought by magnun ops and daily cast (for clic efficency)

7 Jul 2015 flott

I think there are some cards in the deck you don't really need, Replicator and Borrowed Satellite for example. Shaper have actually good in-faction fracters (Snowball) , so you might consider to replace the four influence for Corroder for one more Account Siphon.

7 Jul 2015 valerian32

Thank you for the feedback, @flott = )

I probably get rid of replicator but I thought they could be useful for the cyberfeeders and the dysons.

I prefer Corroder though and spend there the influence rather than another account siphon. But first I'm going to test it.