SEA Scorched Division

TheHydrogenator 1

I've been playing around with different Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded builds, from Punitive Counterstrike, Valley Grid and the Batty/Brainchips versions. None of them ever really had that oompf to close out runners, lacking scoring windows or being unable to consistently get brain damage off. This identity makes a single Scorched Earth lethal with a scored Self-Destruct Chips or single brain damage.

My reasoning for the card choices:

-Cerebral Overwriter+Shell Corporation. Force the runner to either shut down your econ and take a brain damage or let that Shell Corp rack up huge money for you.

-Subliminal Messaging and SEA Source. Encourage the runner to make runs or you get creds. Could be worth slotting up two of these to make sure you draw it.

-Ash 2X3ZB9CY is there to lockout the runner on the turns where your agendas are vulnerable.

-I've found Dracō is a nice splash that the runner doesn't expect, especially if you pump him to STR 5+. With influence maxed out on our combo pieces and J-How, it's a nice alternative to try and snag an early tag for the kill.