Undefeated Gabe core only - Athena Games, Norwich

Werewerf 74

Designed by Brooke P!

8 Aug 2015 Werewerf

A solid Gabe deck made for a core only tournament

27 Jun 2017 Skandrino

No early game sentry breaker? Do you use Crypsis for that purpose? Seems rather expensive. And how do you deal with MU problems? Full rig + datasucker+parasite is already 6, so more than you can have even with desperado, so you would need to trash Crypsis, and have no space for Sneakdoor

27 Jun 2017 Werewerf

You're a criminal, and you're playing core only - you know roughly what each Ice is and can play accordingly

Crypsis is in there to smooth out the games where you shuffle both corroders to the bottom of your deck

You're not looking to put down your full rig - Crypsis is gone once you have your other breakers - and sneakdoor is more often an early game punishment for an open archives ... Or a late game hail Mary turn ransacking a full HQ (remember there's no Jackson in core!)

The parasites help pressure higher strength code gates, act as your missing breaker and impose an economic tax (alongside account siphons)