Adam against R&D

clockworkmonk 83

Early build, Untested Adam Deck. the idea is to put great pressure on r&d early and fast.

With your directives you can put pressure on early. Overmind helps later on,

Hardware helps get drip econ from data folding, which will help as you need to afford e3 and overmind starting every turn.

10 Aug 2015 Him


Interesting build. Just to be sure: As Adam reads "these cards - the directives - are not considered part of your deck", maybe you can build with 3 extra cards indeed.

10 Aug 2015 LynxMegaCorp

You are missing 3 cards since the Directives do not count towards your deck size.

This build seems good, but Overmind will dry up quickly by end game. Considered London Library? It refills Overmind each turn for 2 clicks. Also can be used alongside Technical Writer for sustained end-game econ. I think Access to Globalsec, Dyson Memchip and Underworld Contacts are just going to sit around for most duels.

Brain Chip would make for godly Overminds, too! Must start my own Adam builds. There is hope yet!

10 Aug 2015 clockworkmonk

I included extra directives in case you want to reinstall them. Might cut neutralize all threats, as it doesn't help with the r&d plan.

10 Aug 2015 clockworkmonk

I plan to keep the directives installed, so London library won't help with always be running. That's why I included e3 and uninstall to get more milage out of overmind. Always be running is also why I went hard at drip economy.

10 Aug 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Gotcha. Can't wait to test the mini-Runners. Adam might make for a decent late-game Faust assault with Game Day.