Batty Foundry v.01


An extremely rudimentary Batty + NEXT build that is banking on using the Foundry with Accelerated Beta Test to pump out NEXT ICE like there is no tomorrow with hopes of using Batty to blow up their rig and/or flatline in the mid-game. With three unspent influence, a very typical economy, and the most obvious ICE, this is very much an untested v.01.

Things I'd love to shoehorn in:

Pop-up Window

Executive Boot Camp

Peak Efficiency



Enhanced Login Protocol

Things I can live without:

Biotic Labor

Efficiency Committee or Shipment from SanSan

Enforcer 1.0

Any constructive criticism is very much appreciated! Headed out to test this lil diddy at the local card shop tonite. Wish me luck!

Cheers - DnJ