
LynxMegaCorp 1343

Lowest agenda density. Build up credits and install ice where needed (centrals). If ahead and Film Critic is absent, install as bait for Punitive. Other Weyland stuff applies. Just a concept deck.

30 Aug 2015 TheComforter1212

I love it. Can't wait for BABW to make a roaring comeback with Paywall Implementation and the Clearances.

I wonder about Dedicated Response Team. A great threat, but is it only for Tag-Me decks? Actually, for that matter, you need the runner to hit a Snare! and not ditch the tag in order to use Scorched or DRT. Maybe cut one for a SEA Source, or build even more around Punitive?

31 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I would much rather give the runner two points and play Oaktown Renovation than play NAPD Contract. The momentum if preserves is absurd, and you only have 5 agendas anyway, how much protection do they need?

I admire the effort towards finding a place for Security Subcontract but this does not seem like the deck. I would literally rather run Docklands Crackdown. Better than either of these is a Fast Track, IMO. That's a hilarious card when your agenda density is nil and you are packing Hive and Oaktown Renovation.

You have three kill threats here: DRT/Snare surprises, Scorched Earth, and big Punitive Counterstrikes.The kill "toolbox" here is astoundingly fun. I... really want to see Checkpoint here. You really don't care much about bad pub and Enigma doesn't offer the runner the terrible, horrible choices that Checkpoint does. Alternatively, or in combination, I can see Swarm. You don't really have much to spend your massive amounts of money on, so expensive ICE is good, and rig-trashing can open up the huge scoring windows you need to push out the Vanity Projects you need to win.

Jackson Howard... really isn't needed for his usual duty. The for 2 cards is great with 20 operations in deck, and burning him for more plays of said operations is also great, but I really want that 3 influence and 3 cards to be something more interesting. Sadly, I don't know what that is. I'm just so awfully bored of him.