Finals Week (Hayley DLR)

Disturbed1 249

It's finals week! Hayley is frantic, doing everything to make sure her final project, her 'Magnum Opus', is ready for public critique by the Professor. If she can manage to trash 17 items from one of the megacorp's R&D in the given time window, she will set the new hacking world record for DLR, and all those All-nighters at the Wireless Net Pavillion with her Net-Ready Eyes and all those cans of Diesel and the burnt Hyperdrivers will have been worth it for the amount of publicity it will bring her. Sure, the corp she targets will know where she is, but with all the Paparazzi about, she'll be safe. They wouldn't dare take her out while so many people are watching. Would they?

(Suggestions on improving a Haley mass DLR deck?)

23 Sep 2015 clydeiii

What about adding in DaVinci so you can install Data Leak Reversal from your hand, install then your Paparazzi also from hand, then go to town milling?

23 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

3x Net-Ready Eyes is likely overkill. It's unique is only really useful for Mimic or a small discount on another breaker... Honestly I just don't like the card here. Its slots could go to hand size increase or @clydeiii's excellent suggestion of DaVincis.

The three shards could be another Amped Up if you wanted to get the deck down to 45 cards.