Silhouette Spam'd and Canned

Ballom 27

This deck came from the very simple idea of "Why is Reina playing Siphon spam, when Crims can do it with less influence committed?" So all we do is hop on over to blue boys n girls and slam the Deja Vus into the mix!

Let's break it down boys!

3x Siphon, SoT, Deja Vu, 1x Vamp, 2x Planned Assault, 1x LARLA

These ARE your deck. Any Anatomy of Anarch player knows this, most old time players now this too from Crim's stronger phase. You go ham on Siphon and keep the Corp at 0. If they have 3 credits -> Siphon. 2c or less is usually fine though.

The Planned Assaults are also a vital part of this deck. They are there to enable the T1 Siphon. This deck pulls it off VERY consistently. This deck is built around the idea that you T1 Siphon.

LARLA to shuffle it up and do it all again if the Corp won't just give them to you.

3x Lawyer Up, Special Order, 2x Express Delivery, 1x I've Had Worse

These are here to enable your T1 Siphon. Okay just kidding... Lawyer Up isn't there for that, but the others are. Express Delivery gives you a really solid dig into your deck with Silhouette: Starting hand is 5, then Express for 4 more. That's almost 1/4 of your deck seen right there! Great value, try it out more guys. I've Had Worse is just plain old good draw and works into Scorch protection which you will be needing sometimes.

Lawyer up... Now most will hate on this slick little lady of the law, but I'm here to say it gives you a viable tag-free game option AND it keeps the tempo up. The value is not as good as Diesel, no denying that. However, in Crim 3 draw for 2 clicks is solid. I won't even bother talking about the 2c cost, it is entirely arbitrary most games. You swim in money.

Breaker suite

One for each ICE type and 3x Overmind. Overmind deserves love and here it gets some. It is usually your first to hit and then go into your "rig" which you probably won't need besides 1 or 2 breakers. This is where Silhouette comes in handy: you peek at other ICE and scout out what's needed, Order for that and boom! You don't need remote access as they won't be setting up. No seriously, they won't.

The rest, aka. Legwork, Plascrete, Gamble, Laundry, Forged

You want tight burst event econ to set you up and let you play the Overmind or other breaker, so naturally Laundry + Gamble.

Legwork is there as a cleanup, but most of the time you will be checking top of R&D for free as your second run of the turn. It's just a fallback plan. I also tested out HQI and it was too slow and bothersome. It felt clunky in the deck. So Legwork it is. Legwork is also probably the one card you could pull out for other utility or meta calls. It really isn't that needed.

Forged is pretty huge in this deck. Like I said, dropping Legwork for a third FAO is pretty feasible. It setups the R&D vulnerable and with Silhouette's ability can assure the trash for you.

Plascrete... Kind of mandatory if when most games you do go all in with tags, but I did entertain the idea of swapping to Paparazzi. It taxes the Corp clicks AND money, but doesn't guarantee protection. That said, Plascrete keeps the Mills away! :)

Any comments or ideas are welcome. Influence spent is pretty much tied with IHW being the only one being a possible sub out. At least to me. Try it out, have fun! Thanks for reading.

14 Oct 2015 esutter479

Peacock instead of Passport maybe, just in case you encounter a Turing? That's about the only thing I can think of that'd stop this deck dead in its tracks. This is good stuff though! :)

15 Oct 2015 Ballom

Yeah that actually crossed my mind with all the HB and ABTs going on. People could get ICE rezzed. Will have to try it out as well!

16 Oct 2015 michaeln

Most corps will ICE HQ against a criminal, so how do you Siphon on turn 1, even with an Overmind in hand? Click for credit/click for credit/install Overmind/Siphon, and then hope that the ICE is str 2 or less, and not a Viktor 1.0, or an Ichi 1.0 or a Cortex Lock or a ...?

Without Overmind in hand, your chances seem even worse.

Presumably the ideal draw is Overmind, Sure Gamble and (Planned Assault or Siphon). How else have you managed a T1 Siphon?

Anyway, totally looks like it should be fun to play!

17 Oct 2015 Ballom

Usually Overmind, Gamble/Laundry and Assault or Siphon. Even without the Gamble early game ICE are usually weak, so unless it's Wraparound it shouldn't be that hard.