Sunny no BS

tlongwell 1

This is my current attempt at making a reasonable Sunny deck. So far, I've found that setup time is the major issue, which is why I am not running Security Nexus. I tried a version with Nexus and support, and it was punishingly slow. Even when I did have the combo in hand (Nexus plus Rabbit Hole), I couldn't get together the money to install it.

Other notes:

Jak Sinclair is nuts, especially combined with Desperado. Pretty much at worst, it's 1 more drip per turn.

I haven't found Security Chip to be that useful, hence only 1. It is nice to add a little unpredictability as to where you can get in.

Multithreader is, not surprisingly, awesome.

Datasucker is there mainly as a Multithreader substitute, necessary because of 50 cards and no tutor. It helps a ton though against ICE with strength 2 or 5.

It would be nice to have some HQ multi-access, but there isn't any influence.

Other than just general slowness, my losses tend to come from decks with a lot of big ICE, especially Tollbooth. Despite the seemingly massive amounts of drip econ, I've found that I'm POOR. Playing on Jinteki, I've run into a lot of asset spam, and I generally can't trash it all. I think the correct strategy is to trash early, but once your rig is complete don't bother, because they can't keep you out. Just R&D lock them.

Would love to hear any thoughts.

17 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Have you considered John Masanori to improve your setup speed? He's great with Jak Sinclair.

18 Oct 2015 tlongwell

John Masanori is a great idea, thanks. Not sure what to fit in two copies, I'm thinking 1 Earthrise Hotel and the Security Chip.