Reina Studies the Chess Masters!

IceRay42 27

As is common following the release of FAQ 2.2, I wanted to see what cheeky nonsense could be pulled off with a Chess rig now that they can move to ICE from non ICE cards.

However, I'm not looking at Scheherezade. I didn't just want to drip a cred here or there, I figured I'd splurge on the influence and just put London Library to the test. With both London Library and Deep Red in play you can autodeploy your Caissa pieces without having to pay any credits, Then you just have to power draw (hence the inclusion of pancake parties, IHW AND Street Peddlers to make sure you're ready to rock as quickly as possible.

Try to reserve clone chips for Crescentus, then set up to use Medium to dig deep and hit hard.

21 Oct 2015 CJFM

This is pretty cute. I'm going to give it a shot :)

21 Oct 2015 caelenvasius

My only issue with what looks like a fun build is that you're not getting through Turing with it unless you spend your whole turn on it. It may be worth dropping something (probably the Faust IMO, since its locked out by Turing as well) for a Yog.0. With a Bishop on it, Turing isn't keeping out Yog.0 any longer.

21 Oct 2015 IceRay42


There are already sweeping changes that need to be made. The low cost of most Caissa pieces means that I've only been seeing 4-6 creds (okay, but not for four influence) of value on the London Library trick, so I'll probably pull those for Scheherezade, and it's not unthinkable to find room for Parasite, but Faust is definitely on the list to stay. Pancake Party gets you rolling but econ is a limited resource in this deck, so Faust helps you turn those redundant pieces into remote pressure.

21 Oct 2015 caelenvasius

Your reasoning for Faust reinforces my argument for Yog.0. Breaking is completely free with it, you only need a Bishop present for the tough ones, and a two higher install cost is absorbable with a little economic tweak here and there. Plus, the Turing weakness I mentioned before is resolved.

Scheherezade is good, but it's not going to help your memory (which is already really tight) if you decide to drop in Parasites. May I suggest Djinn instead? You've got a decent number of non-icebreakers that aren't Caïssa which take up valuable MU; Djinn can absorb their MU cost and can search for those Parasites and Mediums.

21 Oct 2015 IceRay42

@caelenvasius Scheherezade doesn't alter my memory condition at all. It's a zero mem program that literally nets the same economic benefit that London Library brings to the table now that Caissa can move naturally. Djinn could only fetch two cards, and your case for Yog gets weaker with a memory count, not stronger. The deck already counts every credit, and Parasite and Crescentus do you the favor of getting out of the way after their job is complete. Yog costs more, is a permanent 1 of 4 flexible memory, and needs support to even target the one piece of ICE it would be included for.