Flu jab Andy v1.0

unitled 468

Current version of my Andy supplier deck to include some (well, one) DnD card, and to be more tuned to the game as of now.

Note Power Tap is definitely not a mistake, and with the amount of NBN trace-heavy decks around it's helped me win games without even needing to use breakers. The deck used to fall down often to Meat damage, so NACH and FC help mitigate that.

Still not perfect, the deck historically suffered from being too slow and my recent changes have done nothing to help there. I also need to experiment with Sunny to see if this shell is better ported over to her.

Any way, this is what I'm testing right at the moment!

EDIT: I've been swithering on 1 off Femme Fatale. I've actually got it in the deck right now, but had been contemplating taking it out as I was never installing it, plus I felt a little embarrassed putting a 47 card deck up on NRDB. That said... with the Scavenge and all the money and the risk of hitting a Swordsman... I'm going back to having it.