24 Hours of Pain

AuGold 137

With the release of 24/7 News Cycle, I can honestly say that I have never seen NBN butchershop decks be so consistent. Now instead of having to rely on your opponents playing aggressively so you can land your tags with Midseason Replacements, you can just score any agenda and a Breaking News and easily be able to tag and kill the runner without them ever needing to run. This particular version of the deck in my testing within my meta has gone 9-1.

While 24/7 News Cycle is the obvious star, really it's the Haarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed that makes the deck work so well. You can spend no money on ICE and be pretty much fine even with the deepest R&D digs. You are guaranteed four turns to set up the kill instead of occasionally just losing to a random The Maker's Eye. It also lets you pull off some fun shell-game style plays. Placing down three agendas and gaining an advantage no matter what happens feels great.