NBN Never Advance - a new breed

djackman 982

The latest evolution of never advance, taking into consideration the failings of the list during plugged in (which were all to andromeda).

First off, Its probably safe to say that corroder is the most played breaker in the game. TMI is great versus corroder.

Put bluntly, sentries are still expensive to break. This deck is very heavy on sentries.

Any deck that relies on resources has a tough time. Shadow, Data raven, and draco keep tag-clearers running with any regularity. Breaking news is, and continues to be, the best way to push through tags when needed.

A singleton of psychographics for late-game criminal, which can cause you serious problems if they've got the balls to clear tags. Even 2 tags can let you score an astroscript out of hand, which is extremely powerful.

Closed accounts continues to be the most consistantly good tag hate. Its decent in any matchup, doesnt have a hard counter like scorched does, and isn't conditional like psychographics.

Besides that, this is good old-fashioned never advance, adjusted as well as I can for an opening moves meta.