Manufacturing Consent

Spoonfunk 182

This is the current runner deck that I have been playing and so far I am really happy with how if feels.

When Val first came out, like everyone else I tried to get the entire bad pub punishment going. Like everyone else it just didn't seem to come together at the time. I attempted very briefly to experiment with hive-mind medium jenk and the ice destruction silverware variants that seem to be popular but I honestly didn't like how it played.

With Val I wanted to play a progressive offense while building control. Start hitting early and fast but steadily build board state and lock my opponent down. This deck plays like that.

So here's the cards

Bad pub punishment: Blackmail and Itinerant Protesters are the primary punishment cards. Beyond being able to trash assets and such I want to fuel 1 or 2 runs a turn with keyhole, put itinerant into play around the mid game when they have 2 or more bad pub and start restricting their ability to answer me. Vigil and Wanton Destruction synergizes with Itinerant for obvious reasons. Fisk also helps this out by forcing them to overdraw with a small hand-size.

For laying down BP I have 1 frame job in here for News teams which are very popular at the moment but I also have Investigative Journalism, which I usually use the turn after they score (unless i get the feeling that they are going to jam another agenda down).

Aggro/Control: Eater Keyhole to force them to keep me off...really good pressure cards usually I am unconcerned if they shut me down in this...I just put pressure on somewhere else and steadily draw until I have an answer. Account Siphon is also good for this. Hades to fetch the agenda's when I am done with them...its worth noting that I have a better time getting ice and money cards with keyhole...don't worry about scoring to fast you have time...

Econ package: Sure gamble, Daily casts, career fair, lib account.

Draw: Inject, street peddler, and fisk seem good enough. There is only 2 street peddler because I have all of events so I often throw it down and get 3 cards I can't install, because of that I am seriously thinking about Earth rise...the only reason I haven't is because I can install during a run and using trade off? Not sure how to evaluate that.

So there it is...It has a long way to go for sure but I am really happy with how its shaping up so far.