tampa rush

bobadillo555 26

Since I first bought all of netrunner I have almost exclusively played this archetype of corp from tournament to tournament. Over the past year or so it has helped me win around 4 GNKs, got me 2nd in an ANRPC qualifier and did me well at the SMC until a 7 point noise mill turn 2 kicked me out of contention. Having learned how to play netrunner from the original creator of this deck and having tested against each other multiple times, this deck is very similar to the original tampa rush list. Robbie already did an incredible writeup for that decklist so I will be mainly focusing on the differences between my decklist and his.

-1 Wraparound +1 Eli 1.0

Eli is hands down the best piece of ice in this deck. It is incredibly taxing on centrals, usually gets them to drop an otherwise useless 4tman and is a very powerful remote ice especially when combined with ELP. Compared to wraparound, it is more expensive to break, is not broken by d4v1d, is more resilient to parasite and only costs a credit more. I have never drawn an Eli and wished it was a wraparound.

-1 Komainu +1 Snowflake

snowflake is an incredibly underrated piece of ice. It is difficult to parasite, ends the run, taxes a lady counter and taxes 2 credits on corroder. Additionally, against RP, where clicks are already heavily taxed, nobody ever just runs at a snowflake to play the psi-game. It even makes a powerful remote ice in the early game if they think that they can get away with just a 4tman to get through your barrier suite. Finally it gives you a good read on their psi-game method if you want to really get into your opponents heads. Komainu is not a bad piece of ice but its very weak to parasite, rarely hits due to peoples use of mimic and is prohibitively expensive for a rush deck.

-1 Chronos Project +1 Nisei MK II

This change is more of a change in the way Robbie and I play our decks. I want to score 3 agendas to win whereas Robbie is fine scoring 4. I also want to make sure that at least one of those agendas is the nisei while Robbie loves the NAPD train. All in all it makes my deck a little bit more consistent from a tempo perspective while it makes Robbie's deck have a little more of a surprise factor against the recursion heavy runner meta.

-3 Celebrity Gift +3 PAD Campaign

This is probably the most significant difference between the two decks. In my opinion the celebrity gifts is a holdover from the old glacier version of the list that needed the 7 credit swing in order to rez big pieces of ice like tollbooth. The modern version of the list does not need that considering that the cost curves off at 5. PAD Campaigns are less click intensive, less revealing to your overall strategy, less restrictive and will more often than not give you more money in the end than a celebrity gifts. PAD campaigns also allow you to chain out scores because your economy is effectively clickless. Finally, the PAD campaigns add even more asset spam to a deck already brimming with it. The campaigns even give criminals a hard time to trash due to there prohibitive 4 trash cost. The only real downside of the Campaigns is that it further weakens an already sub par Whizzard matchup.

In conclusion, this deck is an incredibly strong contender even in todays meta. With runners getting slower and slower to try to outlast foodcoats, an unexpected rush deck like this can run away with easy victories. Anyways, shout-out to Robbie, the original creator of this beastly deck and to Tomothy a close friend in the Tampa Meta. Just remember to trust in the psi-games!

31 Dec 2015 gumonshoe

You can't play eli or architect in this anymore without paying more for them. So I guess static and another cortex lock.