Cerebral Back Channels

Tomb 37

Be fearless and be aggressive.

You have 6 traps and 9 agendas. They must steal at least 4 to win. You can score out in 3. If they hesitate to run on advanced cards, you can score self-destruct chips to increase the pressure on them. Don't be afraid to advance failed traps. They may fear the overscored Vitruvius or you can backchannels for a big economic boost.

Do not hesitate to throw out an agenda naked. In fact I rarely ice my remotes unless they have a security testing.

Do ice your centrals. Multiaccess is your enemy. You can't trigger unadvanced traps. Get stuff out with an advancement counter on it asap. Always reserve 3 credits to threaten a cerebral overwriter.

It's easy to deck yourself so don't overdraw. Clicking for credits is fine. It's easy to see the trap closing in on you, but it's hard to get out.