Hayley: Hungry Hungry Dinos

Makehate2me 7

21 Feb 2016 Makehate2me

I realized that I posted this with no explanation, sorry I'm tired. My thoughts on this are that endless hunger on dinasourus ( strength 13) plus e3 feedbacks can get you in most anywhere for pretty cheep as long as there is at least 1 end the run subroutine. Over mind and the other breakers are there to fill in the gaps and for early game before you can get dinosaurous out. I tryed to include cards cards with a cheep cost and I don't mind sacking for endless hunger. Technical write will help with bursts Econ whenever you need it cause you will be installing a ton. Clone chips and SMC are there for obvious reasons. I chose cybersolutions mem chips and akamuatsu mem chips as trashable cards for more Synergy with sage and over mind even though they can be changed out for other disposable cards. MOpus is is there to help round out Econ. I put replicator and and collective consciousness in as card draw but also as trashable resources for endless hunger. The events are really mutable. I added 2 levy ar lab access cause cause I envisioned trying to play this against more glacier deck but one could be taken out for something else. Code siphon helps bring out whatever programs you need early before your compleatly set up. And Escher is a one off just to keep the corp on its toes and so that I can move around some of the really troubling ice ( like architect) off the servers I want to be running.

I think that the Econ could be kinda light for as much this deck wants to install, but I wanted to try and get as much as I could that could be installed to sack for endless hunger and to synergies with Hayley's ability. I'm sure a few sure gambles could replace any of the events.