3rd Floor - Food, Fabrics, and Pharmacy

slobad31 584

My copy of Business First comes in tomorrow, so I've been brainstorming ideas to attempt to quell my excitement. This started as a Gagarin, wanting to capitalize on Lakshmi Smartfabrics, but it became Pālanā Foods partway through. The general gameplan is to score out, using Lakshmi to hold them at bay. Things like Medical Breakthrough can speed things up in the later game, if they stole another copy, and The Future Perfect does what it always does. I went with Braintrust over Nisei MK II, simply because it can be scored from an unadvanced state, which could work with Lakshmi. The potential economy generation warranted some larger ICE, so we'll see how that works when I sleeve the final copy. Until then, please feel free to offer ways I can go about improving this. Thanks in advance!