RAID, Pest Control

siahofmars 594

First Rendition of an idea of mine between the interaction of CBI Raid and Indexing i feel being a strong combo. This Deck Puts Pressure on HQ and R&D so ice goes thinner between the 2. especially when they get hit with their first siphon. Generally you want the Super Combo if you ever get there for game point to be (when its a good feeling that they have some agendas building up in hand) . Have an R & D interface or 2 installed, Account Siphon them, CBI Raid Them, Index R & D then Run R & D, score pointsssssss...

Even Without the Siphon, just CBI Raid, Index, Run is fine as well.

Of Course First off, Get Opus online get your programs installed with test run/Scavenges, or personal workshop, stimhacks etc. Public Sympathy is just to midigate your Stimhacks.


16 Mar 2016 FarCryFromHuman

I think I'd lose the Public Sympathies for 2x Akamatsu Mem Chip. You need one more to have all three breakers and Magnum Opus out which you will surely want. You've got pretty much no other way to bounce back from a run (you have to pay to get in with Account Siphon, and later in the game that likely won't even be an economical swing in your favor, and Sure Gamble is Sure Gamble; you are pretty much stuck depending on Stimhack, which not a plan with longevity).

16 Mar 2016 silverdark

`@FarCryFromHuman that is the beauty of this deck in Chaos Theory. She has the extra mu built in.

16 Mar 2016 FarCryFromHuman

She has 5 . Battering Ram (2) + Femme Fatale (1) + Torch (1) + Magnum Opus (2) is 6 .

16 Mar 2016 slobad31

@silverdark She has one extra built-in, sure, bringing her to 5. But, to have all three breakers plus Magnum Opus, that's 6. The ideal setup is to have the complete rig up and running, rather than trashing Magnum once the breakers are up. Magnum gives long-term economy.

16 Mar 2016 silverdark

@slobad31``@FarCryFromHuman I totally forgot about Battering Ram being 2 mem. That was my mistake. Now it totally makes sense.

16 Mar 2016 siahofmars

@FarCryFromHuman``@silverdark``@slobad31 I am sorry guys, i was building the deck on my phone, and it published under one of my old decks i was in the middle of still finishing, so this is the actual first version of the deck. The Battering ram was never meant to be in there. heres the Real First Version of the Deck...