The Lizard Drives a Jalopy

RiverLethe 33

I don't really have a grasp of Shaper yet, and I'm not sure if this will work or not. The idea is to get your giant, multi-piece set of hardware/programs out using Hayley's ability. Best case scenario, use Bookmarks to host Netchips until you have all six and can install everything in as few turns as possible; your memory units are potentially from 4-10, and you will be cycling your Chameleons regularly. Between those, Paintbrush, Escher and Tinkering, I feel like you should be able to get in just about any server.

24 Mar 2016 ClubbingSealCub

This deck doesn't have enough economy to sustain installing multiple chamaleons per turn. You might want to consider Magnum Opus, Hyperdriver and other big programs to take advantage of your 6x net chips. You might also want to consider using an actual breaker suit. Your availible memory could support a stealth suite.

24 Mar 2016 RiverLethe

Thanks for the feedback! I suppose if I replaced the Multithreaders with Magnum Opuses and removed the Hunting Grounds, I'd also have the influence for another Account Siphon. I didn't do other breaker suites because I was trying to get janky with the Chameleon/Paintbrush/Tinkering combos. I'll be doing some testing with this tomorrow, and I'll definitely be thinking about your suggestions.

24 Mar 2016 M0H4WK

You have a problem with 4 strength ice. Maybge fit in llds?

24 Mar 2016 RiverLethe

And this is why I'm posting so many decks this week. I'm learning a lot from the community here. That was a problem that didn't even occur to me because I got hung up on the combos! LLDS would definitely be a good include, and/or maybe a way to fit in a D4vid.

25 Mar 2016 striker511

good start - Use LLDS w/ camos - pure awesome. Check out my version of Hayley for some ideas:

Use Sahasraras ( ) for installing Camos instead of multithreaders. You could use the influence elsewhere. Multiaccess is almost a must for shapers, so either meduims or R&Dint. Play around with some and test it out, but this is a good start :D